Rio Please Help

︎ Murals & Paintings 
︎ Illustration
︎ Interactive Media

︎ Resume
︎ Projection Reel

︎ @rio_please_help
︎ @rad_rio

The media are not toys… they can be entrusted only to new artists, because they are art forms.
(McLuhan, 1954)

The media are not toys… they can be entrusted only to new artists, because they are art forms.
(McLuhan, 1954)

Freedom Flowers   

house paint, spray paint, aryclic paint marker
A mural commissoned by Specialized, to commemorate their new all femme focused line Machines For Freedom.  About time this happened!
Check them out and see yourself. Support those around you that need more uplifting, the marginalized need their bottoms tended to just as tenderly as everyone.