Rio Please Help

︎ Murals & Paintings 
︎ Illustration
︎ Interactive Media

︎ Resume
︎ Projection Reel

︎ @rio_please_help
︎ @rad_rio

The media are not toys… they can be entrusted only to new artists, because they are art forms.
(McLuhan, 1954)

The media are not toys… they can be entrusted only to new artists, because they are art forms.
(McLuhan, 1954)

Los Angeles. Oakland. New York.

Rio particularly fancies circuit-bending and projections but thrives over design, illustration, and craft working, with a strong penchant for wood and metal.
Rio's work adheres to the strong allegation that there needn't be a spooky dividing line between the physical and digital world, a line that mirrors and perhaps even defines the fearful gap between generations and lifestyles. It aims to melt the digital into your physical surroundings.
How physical is your physical world truly? When does the digital stop and your mind accepts and illudes?

Rio has since as freelance designer for 10+ years, an Art Director/Designer for University of California San Francisco, and the In-house Designer for the international Bicycle Film Festival.
She's also programming and designing interactive projections for parties, DJ's and art shows.

For any questions, comments, collaborations, or jobs
or follow along @Rad_Rio